Governance of the Healthcare Sector in Bangladesh

    Governance of the Healthcare... (2001)This book examines the existing healthcare delivery system in Bangladesh and its outcome. The theoretical section focuses primarily on the importance of preventive care for the population of the world, and specifically for a poor country such as Bangladesh. The author has argued that if the public hospitals could provide quality out-patient care to its patients, then it might have a significant impact on the society as measured in terms of lower mortality rates, lower number of emergency care visits, lower number of patients hospitalised for in-patient care, and a reduction in the number of days of stay in the hospital. It would have a cumulative impact, whereby, people will have better access to quality preventive care which saves human lives and resources of a nation.

    The empirical section uses time series data that was collected at random from two hospitals: Dhaka Medical College Hospital and the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital. In addition to the theory and data, the author came up with some new indicators to measure quality of care. These measures were used on both the hospitals to examine the state of quality of care delivered in Bangladesh. Another important model developed in this book is on governance. The governance variable was used as a dependent variable to explain the state of administration of the healthcare sector in Bangladesh.

    Contributor: Khaleda Nazneen

    Co-published with The University Press Limited (UPL)

    Publication Period: August 2001
    ISBN 984-05-1569-1
    Price: Tk. 300 USD 20

    Hard copy of the book is available at CPD Office