Diplomats are Exposed to CPD’s State of the Economy Analysis

CPD IRBD team met the ambassadors at a breakfast meeting on 22 January 2010 at the Westin Hotel in the city. The highlights of a report on the State of the Economy FY2009-10 was presented before the Ambassadors by Professor Mustafizur Rahman, Executive Director, CPD which was released earlier at a press briefing at the CPD office. He particularly focused and elaborated on the challenges facing Bangladesh now. The presentation was followed by a discussion session. At the breakfast meeting, among others, H E Urs Herren, Switzerland, H E Dr Justin Lee, Australia, H E Dr Stefan Frowein, EU, Robert Beadle of CIDA, Arne Huag, Norway, Dr Renata Lok Dessalien of UNDP were present. At the request from the UN Resident Representative Renata Lok the same  presentation on the state of the Bangladesh economy was again made at the UNDP office on 2 February 2010.