YSSS on Bangladesh’s LDC graduation and youth unemployment

As part of the CPD capacity building initiatives, a virtual session of the Young Scholar Seminar Series (YSSS) was organised by the CPD on 18 July 2021. Mr Tamim Ahmed, Research Associate, CPD and Mr Md. Irtaza Mahbub Akhond, Dialogue Associate (Communication), CPD made presentations at the session.

Mr Ahmed presented on “State of Bangladesh’s Graduation status from the LDC category during the COVID pandemic”. He showed the underneath factors behind the recent rapid progress of Bangladesh economy that assisted in fulfilling LDC graduation criteria. He also overviewed their status in view of COVID 19. In addition, the implications of LDC graduation for Bangladesh was presented by him. Finally, a number of recommendations were made for Bangladesh in ensuring sustainable development in both Post-LDC and Post-COVID period.

Mr Akhond presented on “Youth employment opportunities in a post-COVID World Can Bangladesh reap benefits of its demographic dividend?” He presented that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit Bangladesh’s economy significantly. Therefore, the opportunities evolving from the crisis situation have to be grasped accordingly. In doing so, Bangladesh can also capitalise on its strength of demographic dividend. He emphasised that it is critical to re-skill the young job seekers of Bangladesh as per the need of future job markets in a post-pandemic era.