Global Financial Crisis and Bangladesh Economy

    CPD Research Monograph 4

    Global Financial Crisis and Bangladesh Economy
    Implications for Employment and Labour Market

    CPD-Research-Monograph-4 (2009)This monograph originates from a collaborative work undertaken by the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), Dhaka with a view to examining the impact of the global economic crisis on the labour market of Bangladesh. The study reviews the wider implications of the crisis on the Bangladesh economy by tracking the movement of major macroeconomic performance indicators during the period of financial crisis. The study then goes on to examine and assess the implications of the impacts of the crisis on employment situation in various sectors of the Bangladesh economy, with special focus on export-oriented activities and the overseas migrant labour market. The study reviews the social protection system in place in Bangladesh, government’s response in view of the crisis, and examines the efficacy of the measures taken in addressing the adverse impacts of the crisis, particularly on the poor and the vulnerable segments of population.

    Contributors: Mustafizur Rahman, Khondaker Golam Moazzem and Syed Saifuddin Hossain

    Publication Period: December 2009
    ISBN 987-984-33-1690-5
    Price: Tk. 280 USD 20