Monitoring the Implementation of Bangladesh’s Development Policies: Civil Society’s Review Reports 2003

    Monitoring the Implementaiton of.... ( 2005)The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) decided in 2003 to reconvene the Citizen’s Task Forces (2001) which were set up with a view to provide inputs to the pre-election debates and to articulate a set of policy recommendations for the newly elected government.

    The Policy Review initiative was launched at the time when the newly elected government was approaching the end of its second year in office. CPD reconstituted 17 Review Task Forces to revisit the recommendations of the Task Forces (2001) to provide useful feedbacks to the policymakers to facilitate necessary mid-course measures. Each of the Task Forces undertook a close scrutiny of the relevant government policies, initiatives and promises. They also reviewed the 100-Days Programme of the government, national budgets for the FY2001-02 and FY2002-03, sectoral policies and programmes, and carried out a major review of the new regulations, guidelines and allocative decisions.

    In order to validate the recommendations of the reports prepared by the Revised Task Forces (2003), eight local level consultations were organised. The exercise culminated in a three-day National Policy Review Forum held in Dhaka during 3-5 June 2003, which was attended by 1,500 participants drawn from broad cross-sections of people.

    This volume is a compendium of the final reports prepared by the 17 Policy Review Task Forces (2003), which covered such issues as: Budgetary Discipline and Fiscal Programme; Financial Sector; Rural Economy; Industrial Policy, Privatisation and SME; Trade Policy; Education Policy; Health, Nutrition and Population Sector; Transport and Infrastructure; Development and Governance of the Energy Sector; Information and Communication Technology; Urban Governance; Environment Protection; Administrative Reform and Strengthening of the Local Government System; Women’s Empowerment and National Development; Democratic Process (Election and Parliament); Eradication of Corruption; and Poverty Eradication and Employment Generation.

    Co-published with The University Press Limited (UPL)

    Publication Period: December 2005
    ISBN 984-05-1739-2
    Price: Tk. 750 USD 50

    Hard copy of the book is available at CPD Office