Delivering on Budget FY2009-10: A Set of Implementation Issues

    CPD Working Paper 83

    Delivering on Budget FY2009-10: A Set of Implementation Issues

    This paper attempts to facilitate the implementation of the national budget by identifying priorities, challenges and obstacles of the process. The study explicitly examines the prospects of domestic and foreign resource mobilisation for FY2008-09, along with an evaluation of the growth prospects for FY2009-10. On the expenditure side, a select set of issues relating to the revenue expenses have been looked up, besides reviewing the challenges of ADP delivery. Timely disbursement of funds and realisation of the policy support provided in the announced stimulus packages has been emphasised to counter the adverse affects of the global financial crisis. The study also argues that as the mainstreaming of public-private partnership has been a distinguishing feature of the budget, a workable framework must be established at the earliest.

    Contributors: Debapriya Bhattacharya, Md. Ashiq Iqbal and Towfiqul Islam Khan

    Publication Period: September 2009

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