Rural Non-Farm Economy in Bangladesh: A View from Household Surveys

    CPD Working Paper 40

    Rural Non-Farm Economy in Bangladesh
    A View from Household Surveys

    This paper was presented at the dialogue on Promoting Rural Non-farm Economy: Is Bangladesh Doing Enough? The paper presents the findings of the surveys, conducted in 1987 and 2000, on the importance of the rural non-farm activities as a source of rural development and factors affecting participation in it. It estimates the duration of employment and the level of productivity, to examine whether the expansion of the rural non-farm economy is caused by ‘push’ or ‘pull’ factors. It also assesses whether access to capital is a constraint for this. It analyses the expenditure pattern of rural and urban households to examine the demand for non-farm goods and services. It provides an overview of strategies and policies for the development of the rural non-farm sector.

    Contributor: Mahabub Hossain

    Publication Period: July 2004

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