Bangladesh and Regional Connectivity: Best Practices from Global Experiences

    CPD Working Paper 89

    Bangladesh and Regional Connectivity: Best Practices from Global Experiences

    This report has been prepared under the CPD-TRRPD programme. The paper argues that effective integration of the transport system in South Asia could contribute greatly by mainstreaming remote areas, thereby channeling benefit of economic development. In this context, it makes an attempt to study the state of transport connectivity in South Asia, with a particular focus on Bangladesh and India. It provides a comprehensive overview of the possible routes in and out of Bangladesh connecting it with the rest of Asia and also Europe; reviews prevailing global agreements, protocols and procedures governing cross-border movements and practices in transport connectivity; and makes some policy recommendations in moving forward the transit and connectivity agenda from the Bangladesh perspective.

    Contributors: Hasanuzzaman and Zeeshaan Rahman

    Publication Period: April 2010

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