BCIM Economic Cooperation: Prospects and Challenges

    CPD Working Paper 64

    BCIM Economic Cooperation: Prospects and Challenges

    This study is an attempt to explore the potentials for expanding trade and investment under the ambit of sub-regional cooperation comprising four contiguous countries of Eastern South Asia, which includes the two fast growing economies – India and China, and the two developing economies – Bangladesh and Myanmar (BCIM). The paper explores the justification for trade and investment cooperation among the constituent members of the BCIM countries. Beside presenting an analysis of the current status of trade and investment in the BCIM region, it also focuses on such indicators of trade relations as regional trade orientation, intra-industry trade, and trade complementarity among the BCIM members. It also analyses the comparative advantage of Bangladesh in her major exportables in this region. Finally, major challenges of implementing the various modalities of cooperation among the BCIM countries are discussed in the paper.

    Contributors: Mustafizur Rahman, Habibur Rahman and Wasel Bin Shadat

    Publication Period: September 2007

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