Bangladesh Apparels Export to the US Market

    CPD Working Paper 62

    Bangladesh Apparels Export to the US Market
    An Examination of Her Competitiveness vis-à-vis China

    The rise of China has major repercussions for a country such as Bangladesh which has emerged as an important player in the global apparels market. This paper studies the impact and implications of competition from China at country level, especially for disaggregated items of apparels, in relation to the US market. It examines the ramifications of China’s accession to the WTO, and consequently her status as a beneficiary of the ATC, particularly in the US market. The paper also investigates relative competitiveness situation of Bangladesh in the US market at disaggregated levels vis-à-vis China, particularly in view of imposition of quota on Chinese apparels, and draws attention to some of the emerging factors that are likely to impact on Bangladesh’s competitive strength. Finally, it identifies a number of initiatives which are perceived to be important if Bangladesh is to compete with China from position of strength in future.

    Contributors: Mustafizur Rahman and Asif Anwar

    Publication Period: September 2006

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