CPD Working Paper 36
Trade Negotiations on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons
A Strategy Paper for Bangladesh
This research paper examines Bangladesh’s opportunities as regards GATS Mode 4, particularly in the area of export of manpower, and provides a negotiating strategy that would be helpful for the policymakers. Evaluating the demographic trends in the European countries, the authors argue that Bangladesh can generate significant gains through TMNP by utilising the special treatment that has been accorded to LDCs in the recent WTO meetings. The distinguishing feature of the paper is that it mapped the classes of manpower with various ISCO-88 categories, and classified Bangladesh’s export interests under three broad groups. Such an approach, first ever used in Bangladesh, is believed to assist the policymakers to identify Bangladesh’s areas of interests and articulate their stance accordingly to ensure maximum gains from future negotiations.
Contributors: Ananya Raihan and Mabroor Mahmood
Publication Period: April 2004