Technological Upgradation in the Jute Mills of Bangladesh: Challenges and Way Out

    CPD Working Paper 100

    Technological Upgradation in the Jute Mills of Bangladesh
    Challenges and Way Out

    In view of the recent rise of global demand for jute goods and consequent revitalisation of jute manufacturing sector in Bangladesh, the paper has examined the market potentials of jute goods at local and international level, and has revealed that there is scope for creating a huge local demand for raw jute which will contribute to increased production. Based on the findings from a sample-based survey, the paper put forward necessary suggestions required to modernise the machineries, improve the production process, and develop the human resources in the jute manufacturing sector to enhance the sector’s capacity and competitiveness.

    Contributors: Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Kishore Kumer Basak and Md. Tariqur Rahman

    Publication Period: November 2012

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