Energy Trade Issues: Canadian Experiences and Implications for Bangladesh

    CPD Working Paper 31

    Energy Trade Issues
    Canadian Experiences and Implications for Bangladesh

    This paper identifies areas of common interest for Bangladesh in terms of energy usage and trade through an examination of Canada’s experience in developing her energy sector. The paper outlines the general principles and provisions applicable to energy trade under the WTO, and examines how issues of energy security and regional cooperation are dealt within the NAFTA. The paper also provides an overview of Canada’s transition from a highly regulated energy regime to the implementation of deregulation and liberalisation of trade and investment, and its impact on the natural gas industry. It also focuses on the role of institutions in the regulation of Canada’s energy sector. The study attempts to examine what lessons may be drawn for Bangladesh from the Canadian experience of the development and regulation of the energy sector.

    Contributors: Wenguo Cai and Sarah Geddes

    Publication Period: December 2003

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