Delivering on the PRSP in Bangladesh

    CPD Working Paper 54

    Delivering on the PRSP in Bangladesh
    An Analysis of the Implementation Challenges

    This paper analyses the implementation challenges facing the Bangladesh poverty reduction strategy as articulated in the document Unlocking the Potential: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction. The paper seeks to identify issues which warrant close scrutiny from the perspective of efficient and effective realisation of the objectives mentioned in the PRS document. The paper underscores the improvements made in the final version of the PRS, and draws attention to some compelling questions which need to be adequately addressed in order to ensure effective delivery of the targets identified in the document, particularly the indicators presented in the Mid Term Macroeconomic Framework (MTMF) of the PRS. The paper highlights a set of major challenges confronting the delivery of the PRSP in Bangladesh.

    Contributor: Debapriya Bhattacharya

    Publication Period: November 2005

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