Strengthening Bangladesh-Japan Partnership Through Enhanced Trade, Investment, and Technological Collaboration (2022-2)

    On the occasion of the 50-year anniversary of the diplomatic ties between Bangladesh and Japan, the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) undertook a research study titled “Bangladesh-Japan Partnership for The Next Development Journey”. The aim of the research was to discuss how Japan may support Bangladesh in its next phase of growth during the 4IR and beyond its LDC graduation. This policy brief is based on the key findings of the aforementioned study. This policy brief titled ” Strengthening Bangladesh-Japan Partnership Through Enhanced Trade, Investment, and Technological Collaboration” focuses on various issues and potentials involving Japan-Bangladesh partnership, and presents a number of recommendations.

    Authors: Fahmida Khatun, Syed Yusuf Saadat, Kashfia Ashraf and Afrin Mahbub

    Publication period: May 2022

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