How successful were the least developed countries in attaining the Millennium Development Goals?

    This issue contains a survey article by the ESCAP secretariat that provides a brief assessment of the region’s vulnerability and highlights the needed transformations for its transition to a “net-zero-carbon” future in support of sustainable development. Recommendation given in the article include building regional frameworks or partnerships on green power corridors, low-carbon transport, and a low carbon and climate-smart transition. In addition, collaboration among countries and development partners for climate-smart trade and investment, climate finance, and monitoring is encouraged.

    The issue also contains a collection of five thematic articles focusing on national efforts towards a “clean energy” transition and “net-zero” greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 as set out by the international community. This thematic section, “Green transition and national efforts towards net-zero targets,” has been ably guest-edited by Editorial Board member Tae Yong Jung, Professor of Sustainable Development at Yonsei University in the Republic of Korea.

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    Authors: Debapriya Bhattacharya, Towfqul Islam Khan, Mostafa Amir Sabbih

    Publication Period: May 2023