Attaining the MDGs: How Successful are the LDCs?

    The Global Policy and Development department at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), under its Perspectives Series, has published “Lagging Behind: Lessons from the Least Developed Countries for a Development Agenda Post-2015,” based on the CPD study titled “Attaining the MDGs: How Successful are the LDCs?”

    The CPD study is authored by CPD Distinguished Fellow Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, with co-authors Research Fellow Mr Towfiqul Islam Khan, Research Associate Ms Umme Salma and Programme Associate Mr Gazi Joki Uddin.

    Based on the study FES Bangladesh earlier co-organised a dialogue to discuss the delivery of the MDGs in least developed countries and reflect on Post-2015 issues on 21 September 2013.

    The extended version of the study and further information on the project can be found here.

    Lagging Behind: Lessons from the Least Developed Countries for a Development Agenda Post-2015

    Attaining the MDGs: How Successful are the LDCs?