Minimum Wage in the RMG Sector of Bangladesh

    CPD Working Paper 106

    Minimum Wage in the RMG Sector of Bangladesh
    Definition, Determination Method and Levels

    Minimum wage in the RMG sector of Bangladesh is a debated issue, mainly due to lack of operational definition and method for calculation. This study is undertaken to come up with a definition and method for calculation of the minimum wage based on the ILO Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970 (No. 131).

    The underlying principle of this definition is that minimum wage should be sufficient enough to meet the basic needs of workers and their families, and should provide some discretionary income. Based on the definition, the minimum wage has been estimated under three scenarios – poverty line, actual expenditure and aspirational diet. Considering the industry’s capacity, the study proposed a phase-wise implementation of the minimum wage under which about 80 per cent of the proposed wage (Tk. 8,200) equivalent to Tk. 6,500 could be provided in the first phase.

    Contributors: Khondaker Golam Moazzem and Saifa Raz

    Publication Period: February 2014

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