Beneficiary Selection for Development Project

ASM Shahidul Haque

A development worker

This is part five of a series of blog “A General Outline of Evolution of NGO and Development Work in Bangladesh”. Read previous parts here.

I can remember one cartoon story that reflected the cycle of ‘literacy initiative’ of the then government around 1980s. At that time all the students who appeared for Secondary School Certificate (SSC) were directed to teach one illiterate person so that he/she can learn to read and write. It was an excellent initiative no doubt. The aim was to reduce the number of illiterate person of this country quickly.

Imagine witnessing the holy effort, where a boy (T) who just appeared for SSC exam, is looking for an illiterate boy (ST) so that he can teach him to fulfill additional requirement for obtaining his certificate.

Scene-1: T went to a slum, to find a ST who is illiterate, just after his SSC written exam. There was a boy of 12 playing on the street near a slum.

T  : Do you know how to read or write?

ST: Why do you want to know?

T  : Because I am looking for a boy who cannot read so that I can teach him.

ST: Why is that?

T  : It is part of my exam.

ST: Oh ..Are you saying that you will teach me for free?

T  : Yes. Not only that I will provide books and pencils..

ST: I am illiterate. I cannot read or write.

T  : Alright then if you agree to learn, come with me to my house. I will teach you.

ST: But, I am hungry

T  : I will arrange food

ST: I don’t have clothe

T  : I will give you clothe

ST: Ok then. I shall learn

T  : You have to promise me to learn attentively. You have to come to my house every day for two hours. We hope to be successful by a month.

ST: I promise

T  : Come with me. I shall take you to my home.


Scene-2: ST is talking to his mother (M) at his house in slum

M : Where were you in the morning? Why did you not go to work at the workshop?

ST: I went to a house. I shall learn to read and write there. The rich boy will teach me.

M: What? You have already completed primary education and did not wish to continue!

ST: That stupid boy does not know that. He promised me food and clothe. I hope he will also give me some money.

M : I do not understand.

ST: The boy needs to teach an illiterate for passing his SSC exam. He came here in the morning. I agreed to be his student. It is a good opportunity.

M : I am not sure, what will happen to your job at workshop?

ST: Mother, it will only take a month or so. I proved to be a good student! Learned four alphabets in one day!!

M : Ok. If you think it is good. But be careful. Do not get caught.

ST : Do not worry mother. I shall be careful and make a lot good for me!

After real hard work the brilliant slum boy could learn to read and write from his teacher in just two and a half month. The teacher and his family were generous. They gave the boy money, clothes, clothe for mother, shoes, toys, lot of books, note books and pens.


Scene-3: Next year. Another T went to a slum, to find a ST who is illiterate, just after his SSC written exam and found the same boy playing near the street.

T  : Do you know how to read or write?

ST: Why do you want to know?

T  : Because I am looking for a boy who cannot read so that I can teach him.

ST: Why is that?

T  : It is part of my exam.

ST: Oh ..Are you saying that you will teach for free?

T  : Yes. Not only that I will provide books and pencils..

ST: I am illiterate. I cannot read or write.

T  : Alright then if you agree to learn, come with me to my house. I will teach you.

ST: But, I am hungry

T  : I will arrange food

ST: I don’t have clothe

T  : I will give you clothe

ST: Ok then. I shall learn

T  : You have to promise me to learn attentively. You have to come to my house every day for two hours. We hope to be successful by a month.

ST: I promise

T  : Come with me. I shall take you to my home.

It was very thoughtful of an ‘illiterate’ to take the opportunity of demand and learn again and again. The beneficiary selection by development projects is very similar to the farce sketched above. These clever ‘illiterates’ are very good in pretending to be real needy people, very fit to become target beneficiary. These people are extremely cooperative and helpful. So you will find that same group of people belong to different project at different times and event at the same time simultaneously.


The write up is adapted from a book, “Perspective from an Unknown Development Worker: Alternative Truth Imagined Reality”, by ASM Shahidul Haque, CBIPS, September, 2017.