Thursday, March 6, 2025

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus

Hon’ble Chief adviser
Interim Government of Bangladesh

Member, CPD Board of Trustees;

Educational Qualification

(1960) BA. University of Dhaka

(1961) MA. University of Dhaka

(1969) PhD. Vanderbilt University

Major Professional Involvement

Professor Muhammad Yunus established the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. His objective was to help poor people escape from poverty by providing loans without collateral to support income generating activities. From Professor Yunus personal loan of small amounts of money to destitute basket weavers in Bangladesh in the mid-70s, the Grameen Bank has advanced to the forefront of a burgeoning world movement toward eradicating poverty through micro-lending. Grameen Bank now has 8 million borrowers, 97% of whom are women, and has lent over $8.26 billion with a near 100% repayment rate.

Professor Yunus is the recipient of the World Food Prize (1994) and the Sydney Peace Prize (1998). In 2006, Professor Yunus received the Seoul Peace Prize and the Nobel Peace Prize. On August 12, 2009 Professor Yunus was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Obama at a White House ceremony.

Others Professional Involvement

1975 – 1989: Professor of Economics, Chittagong University and Director, Rural Economics Programme, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

1976 – 1983: Project Director, Grameen Bank Project, Bangladesh.

1983 – to date: Managing Director, Grameen Bank, Bangladesh.

Banker to the Poor, 2003
Creating a World Without Poverty, 2008

Telephone: +8802 8013559, 8011138(O)
