Thursday, March 6, 2025

Rasheda K Choudhury







Member, CPD Board of Trustees; Executive Director, CAMPE;
and Former Advisor to the Caretaker Government

Educationist and social activist Rasheda K. Choudhury is a leading policy voice of Bangladesh with more than three decades of experience of working within and outside the government. She is the Executive Director (CEO) of Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE), the national coalition of more than a thousand NGOs and educator groups working for advancing Education 2030 Agenda/SDG-4 and other SDGs.

  • In 2008, Rasheda became an Adviser (Cabinet Minister) to the Interim Non-party Caretaker Government of Bangladesh. Serving in that position involved high-level decision making, particularly in the Ministries of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME), Cultural Affairs, Women and Children Affairs (MOWCA).
  • Choudhury is a Co-Founder of Global Campaign for Education (GCE), a civil society movement operating in more than hundred countries, with the mission to make sure that States act to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality public education.
  • She has been elected recently as a Board Member of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), a multi-billion dollar, multi-stakeholder global funding mechanism for education. She represents the global non-state education community/CSOs in the CSO-2 slot of GPE Board as an alternate member.
  • Choudhury is a member of Panel of Economists on the Ninth Five Year Plan (2026-2030) and one of the Panel of Experts on the Second Perspective Plan of Bangladesh (2021-2041), Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh.
  • She is currently a member of the Consultative / Expert Group of the External Resources Division (ERD) of the Government of Bangladesh that has been working on integrating population and development issues into plans and policies.
  • She is a Member of the Advisory Council of Citi Micro Entrepreneurship Awards Program of Citi Bank and a member of the Jury Board, Independent Committee of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award Committee of Financial Express – Standard Chartered Bank initiative, Bangladesh.
  • Choudhury is a Member of the Board of Trustees (BoT) of Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD), a leading institution for in-depth research and dialogue to promote inclusive policymaking in Bangladesh.
  • She is an Independent Director of Delta Brac Housing (DBH), one of the top private sector non-bank financial institution in Bangladesh.
  • Rasheda has been coordinating the Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) initiatives of CAMPE particularly focusing on rights of the girl child, eradication of child marriage and violence against women and girl children.
  • Rasheda Choudhury, as the CEO of CAMPE, has been facilitating youth groups including girls affiliated to CAMPE as part of its campaign to promote inclusiveness, diversity, values and ethics in education institutions in Bangladesh.

Ms. Choudhury regularly writes in national newspapers and magazines and often speaks on development issues particularly on the right to education and gender justice in national and international fora.