Tuesday, July 2, 2024

CPD Dialogue Reports

Macroeconomic Performance Analysis

Report No. 2* Financial Stabilization and Macroeconomic Stability (May 1997)

Report No. 19 The State of the Bangladesh Economy and Budget Responses ’99 (December 1999)

Report No. 34 State of the Economy and Budget Responses 2000 (October 2000)

Report No. 35 State of Governance and Budget Responses 2000 (October 2000)

Report No. 47 Bangladesh Economy and the Forthcoming Development Forum 2002 (May 2002)

Report No. 56 State of the Bangladesh Economy and Budget Responses 2002 (February 2003)

Report No. 59 Full Float of Taka: Is Bangladesh Ready for It? (July 2003)

Report No. 74 State of the Bangladesh Economy and Budget Responses 2004 (November 2004)

Report No. 79 The War in Iraq and Economic Implications for Bangladesh (June 2003)

Report No. 84 State of the Bangladesh Economy and Budget Responses 2005 (May 2006)

Report No. 92 State of the Bangladesh Economy and Budget Responses FY2008 (October 2007)

Report No. 93 Interpreting Recent Inflationary Trends in Bangladesh and Policy Options (July 2008)

Report No. 96 State of the Bangladesh Economy and an Analysis of the National Budget for FY2008-09 (November 2008)

Report No. 108 ২০১২-১৩ অর্থবছরের বাজেট পর্যালোচনা (জানুয়ারি ২০১৩)

Report No. 109 Analysis of the National Budget for FY2013-14 (September 2013)

Report No. 111 Subsidy Management in Bangladesh: Efficiency and Equity Issues (August 2015)

Report No. 112 Safeguarding Interests of Bangladesh Migrant Workers: Issues of Financial Inclusion and Social Protection (March 2016)

Report No. 113 ভ্যাট ও এসডি অ্যাক্ট ২০১২: উদ্বেগ ও প্রায়োগিক চ্যালেঞ্জ (মে ২০১৬)

Poverty, Inequality and Social Justice
Trade, Regional Cooperation and Global Integration

Report No. 13 The Trans-Asian Railway Network (TAR): Southern Corridor (July 1999)

Report No. 17 Setting the Agenda for WTO Ministerial Meeting: The Bangladesh Perspective (December 1999)

Report No. 20 Growth Zones in South Asia: What Can We Learn from SouthEast Asia? (January 2000)

Report No. 22 Small and Big Players in Regional Trading Blocs: Canada’s Experience with NAFTA (April 2000)

Report No. 25 SAARC: Present and Future (May 2000)

Report No. 32 Bangladesh-EU Development Partnership: Emerging Challenges in the Context of Globalisation (September 2000)

Report No. 38 Implementation of WTO-ATC: Current Status and Implications for Bangladesh (December 2000)

Report No. 43 Making the UN LDC III Work for Bangladesh: A Civil Society Perspective (January 2002)

Report No. 44 WTO Doha Ministerial: Advancing Bangladesh’s Interest (January 2002)

Report No. 46 Post Doha Consultation (May 2002)

Report No. 48 WTO and Negotiation on Agriculture (May 2002)

Report No. 55 Coping with Post-MFA Challenges: Strategic Response for Bangladesh RMG Sector (January 2003)

Report No. 57 Doha Declaration on WTO-TRIPS and Public Health: What is in it for Bangladesh (March 2003)

Report No. 70 Environmental Debates in the WTO: Defining Bangladesh’s Interests (July 2004)

Report No. 72 Surviving in a Quota Free World: Will Bangladesh Make It? (March 2004)

Report No. 73 In Search of New Products and New Markets for Bangladesh (August 2004)

Report No. 75 Dispute Settlement in the WTO: How Friendly is it for the LDCs (December 2004)

Report No. 76 Cancun WTO Ministerial: An Ex Post Assessment (February 2005)

Report No. 78 Regionalism Vs Multilateralism: What Could Bangladesh Learn from the Global Experience (June 2005)

Report No. 83 The Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration: An Assessment from LDC Perspective (March 2006)

Report No. 86 Towards an Inclusive Globalisation (June 2007)

Report No. 88 Resumption of Doha Negotiations and Challenges for Bangladesh (April 2008)

Report No. 94 Future of Doha Round (July 2008)

Report No. 95 Accra Conference on Aid Effectiveness: Perspectives from Bangladesh (September 2008)

Report No. 99 Ongoing WTO Doha Round Negotiations: Concerns and Interests of Bangladesh and other LDCs (April 2009)

Report No. 106 Bangladesh‐EU Relationship: Scenarios for the Next Decades (October 2012)

Investment Promotion, Infrastructure and Enterprise Development

Report No. 4* Future of the Textiles and Readymade Garments Sector (September 1997)

Report No. 7 Negotiating Strategies for the Development of Bangladesh’s Energy Reserves (September 1999)

Report No. 10 Bangladesh’s Power Situation: Problems and Responses (July 1999)

Report No. 14 Optimising Use of Bangladesh’s Gas Resources (October 1999)

Report No. 18 The Textile and Clothing Industry of Bangladesh in a Changing World Economy (December 1999)

Report No. 24 Bangladesh Gas Sector Development: Status, Policy Options and Challenges (May 2000)

Report No. 26 The Restructuring of the Power Sector (May 2000)

Report No. 33 Energy Sector Restructuring: Current Issues (October 2000)

Report No. 42 Regional Co-operation in the Energy Sector (January 2002)

Report No. 58 Energy Sector of Bangladesh: What are the Knowledge Gaps? (July 2003)

Report No. 85 Current Crisis in the Power Sector: Nature of Problem and the Way Forward (June 2006)

Report No. 90 পোশাক শিল্পে সাম্প্রতিক অস্থিরতা: সমাধান কোন পথে? (সেপ্টেম্বর ২০০৭)

Report No. 91 শিল্পে কর্মপরিবেশের নিরাপত্তা: আমাদের কি কিছুই করণীয় নেই? (সেপ্টেম্বর ২০০৭)

Report No. 103 বিনিয়োগ পরিবেশ ও শিল্পাঙ্গনে সাম্প্রতিক ঘটনাবলী (এপ্রিল ২০১১)

Human Development and Social Protection

Report No. 6 Human Development in South Asia (July 1999)

Report No. 9 The Challenge of Technical and Vocational Education for Human Resource Development-Planning-Strategy (July 1999)

Report No. 15 Population and Sustainable Development (September 1999)

Report No. 16 Population Development and Urbanisation: The Emerging Issues (September 1999)

Report No. 23 Ageing in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges (May 2000)

Report No. 27 Fertility Behaviour in Bangladesh and West Bengal: A Comparative Study (June 2000)

Report No. 28 Population and Sustainable Development: Selected Issues of Greater Chittagong (July 2000)

Report No. 30 Gender, Land and Livelihood in South Asia (October 2000)

Report No. 40 Education in Bangladesh: Commitments and Challenges (June 2001)

Report No. 45 Exploring Recent Fertility Behaviour in Bangladesh (May 2002)

Report No. 53 Health Sector Programme in Bangladesh: Promoting Participation and Gender Equity (January 2003)

Report No. 60 Health System and Women’s Health: Priorities for the Next Programme (September 2003)

Report No. 62 Population and Development Challenges in Some Asian Countries: A Knowledge Sharing Experience (March 2003)

Report No. 65 Workplace Environment for Women: Issues of Harassment and Need for Interventions (March 2004)

Report No. 81 Citizen’s Voice in Health Policy and Programming: Setting Agendas and Establishing Accountability (June 2005)

Report No. 89 Gender Dimension of Employment in the RMG Sector: Recent Evidence from the Field Survey (September 2007)

Report No. 97 Domestic Violence in Bangladesh: Cost Estimates and Measures to Address the Attendant Problems (January 2009)

Report No. 98 Achieving Universal Primary Education with Quality and Equity (February 2009)

Report No. 110 Rana Plaza Tragedy and Beyond: An Update on Commitments and Delivery (December 2014)

Report No. 114 Re-Emerging from the Rana Plaza Tragedy: An Account on the Third Anniversary (June 2016)

Development Governance, Policies and Institutions

Report No. 1* The Nature and Changes in the Political Culture System and Institutions of India (March 1997)

Report No. 8 Policy Reform: The Need for a New Consensus (July 1999)

Report No. 11 Economic Reforms and the Poor: Unearthing New Linkages (July 1999)

Report No. 12 Beyond the Washington Consensus: Lessons from China’s Development Experience (July 1999)

Report No. 21 New Strategies for International Assistance (February 2000)

Report No. 29 Strengthening Local Government: Recent Experience and Future Agenda (July 2000)

Report No. 37 Political Participation of Women in Bangladesh: The Issue of Constitutional Representation (November 2000)

Report No. 39 Draft Population Policy of Bangladesh (December 2000)

Report No. 49 Financial Sector Reforms in Bangladesh: The Next Round (August 2002)

Report No. 50 Forestry, Forest Biodiversity & Governance: Looking for a Pro-People Policy (August 2002)

Report No. 51 Reforming Governance in Bangladesh (October 2002)

Report No. 54 Corporate Responsibility in Bangladesh: Where Do We Stand? (January 2003)

Report No. 61 Child Labour Policy of Bangladesh: What are We Looking for? (July 2003)

Report No. 64 Strengthening the Role of Private Sector Housing in Bangladesh Economy: The Policy Challenges (November 2003)

Report No. 71 Bangladesh Development Forum 2004: Civil Society’s Perspectives (August 2004)

Report No. 77 Human Security in Bangladesh: Recent Trends and Responses (November 2003)

Report No. 80 Aid and Policy Reforms in Bangladesh (July 2005)

Report No. 87 Sustaining Democracy in Bangladesh: Learning from Global Experience (June 2007)

Report No. 101 রাজনীতিতে নারীর প্রতিনিধিত্ব: বৈশ্বিক প্রেক্ষাপটে বাংলাদেশের করণীয় (নভেম্বর ২০০৯)

Report No. 104 National Parliament of Bangladesh: Representation and Accountability (December 2011)

Report No. 107 স্থানীয় সরকারের অধীনে উন্নয়ন কার্যμমে অর্থায়নের চ্যালেঞ্জ (অক্টোবর ২০১২)