Wednesday, March 5, 2025

CPD Visiting Fellow’s Programme

The Visiting Fellow’s Programme of the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) is designed to provide an opportunity to accomplished academics and researchers with demonstrated track record who are working in areas of interest as expressed in CPD’s current research programme. The programme is expected to be mutually rewarding to both CPD and the Visiting Fellow, with possibilities of continued collaboration in areas of common interest. Non-resident Bangladeshi academics and researchers are particularly welcomed to the position.

The programme envisages to engage Visiting Fellows with CPD’s ongoing research activities for a specific period of time – generally ranging from 3 to a maximum of 12 months. There is no specific date for beginning of the fellowship tenure.

During the tenure of the fellowship, CPD would expect a Visiting Fellow to do the following:

  • Undertake research on a specific area of CPD’s work programme;
  • Provide inputs to other ongoing research works at CPD;
  • Prepare concept notes and research proposals for potential collaborative programmes;
  • Peer review research outputs of CPD researchers and its associates;
  • Mentor and provide capacity building support to young researchers at CPD;
  • Make presentations of his/her work at CPD organised seminars;
  • Represent CPD at various seminar/meetings, as advised by the CPD management;
  • Any other activities as agreed between CPD and the Visiting Fellow.

CPD will offer the following facilities to the Visiting Fellow during his/her tenure at CPD:

  • Work space with computer facilities and other basic logistics;
  • Access to academic facilities available at CPD including use of documentation unit, dialogue and publication support;
  • Necessary research support as agreed under his/her activity plan;
  • A focal point who will liaise with the Visiting Fellow and will help him/her in implementing the agreed work plan.

The fellowship is a full time position. The Visiting Fellow will not undertake any other remunerative activity while working at CPD. The Visiting Fellow may access CPD’s database and institutional reference materials only for the purpose of his/her research at CPD. CPD will have the copyright of all publications emerging from work of the Visiting Fellow at CPD.

The Visiting Fellow will work at the CPD under sabbatical leave, fellowship, grant, etc. provisions provided by his/her institution and related bodies. In special cases, CPD may draw up a specific contract with the Visiting Fellow with a view to carrying out a particular assignment.

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply with updated CV, publication list, areas of interest, expectations from the programme and information on tentative time of arrival and duration of stay. Applications will be reviewed by CPD’s Evaluation Committee following which successful candidates will be contacted to work out the details. Expression of interest is to be sent to Mr Humayun Kabir, Deputy Director, Administration <>, Phone: 9141703, 9141734 Ext. 136.

CPD is an equal opportunity organisation and promotes diversity.