Development Touts

ASM Shahidul Haque

A development worker

This is part nine of a series of blog “A General Outline of Evolution of NGO and Development Work in Bangladesh“. Read previous parts here.

NGO and Development work of Bangladesh has somehow managed to create a special breed of people who depend on development funding (or project work) in their locality as one of the main source of income (if not the only source). If there is any project being implemented in their locality or adjacent areas they will become a stakeholder (if interested read my blog on Beneficiary Selection for Development Project for more insight) of the implementation work (try to be direct beneficiary or at least indirect beneficiary) by hook or by crook. These people are generally moderately educated, has a back ground in root level politics (potentially a former leftist), may be involved in local government- holding a current or past post- at LGIs, maintain good network with Union Parishod as well as Upazila Parishod leadership, has a critical mind, usually a moderate to good orator and a shrewd tactician who usually project themselves as social worker, freedom fighter, a member of civil society, environmentalist, former teacher (may be current as well), farmer leader, landless, destitute, fishermen, labor, community leader  as per requirement of the project.

Let me give an example from practical situation to shed more light on these development touts. In one development project, a development tout forced himself in as a ‘leader of a community’ when the project formed community groups with a view to solve water management related obstacles. The same tout then again listed himself in a farmer field school (FFS) as a landless farmer under the same project with a view to receive additional little benefit given to FFS members, but did not attend any session (obviously he has other things to do) . When the project decided to train few farmers to give them additional business skill, he again included himself and only attended the training 20% of the time but received wage compensation and transportation depriving a genuine contender. This same tout was working with DAE as a lead farmer and received input for setting demonstration as per DAE yearly plan. He was simultaneously a beneficiary of another project from a different donor. His homestead is being used as place for demonstration from many current and past projects. Many different sign boards can be seen standing at different corners of his homestead with logos of different projects and different donors. Well, this is a sketch of a village level development tout who takes part at all kinds of development project work for earning his livelihood at least partially if not fully.

Make no mistake, development touts are not only available at village level, they are at all levels. The benefit of development funding lured many to set their aim to become a ‘great development tout’. I can name many who are famous nationally or even internationally but should not do so.  Many aspiring rural and small town youth have witnessed the benefit of working with NGO and development organization and observed how many famous development touts have reaped the benefit (for detail can read my blog ‘Adverse Effect of Development Work’ and others). Thus many of them have set their life long goal of becoming a development tout. Quality education as a pathway to success has died long ago in this country. The aim of becoming development tout has definitely became the second best choice after becoming ruling party activist or sycophant of local or national political leader for boys (sometime girls) from rural mostly ‘food secured households’ (who can at least eat throughout the year).

Following the same dream, many corporate houses opened NGOs, university teachers joined ‘civil society forums’, retired bureaucrats rented their consciousness to different conglomerates and MNCs. Journalists are not falling behind as well. In fact these are probably the worst kind who uses the power of media (or threat) and face value for sucking development funds from development projects. Development touts are clogging roads that lead to large donor agency offices, benevolent embassies, UN bodies that provide generous funds. Thus the original social workers are kicked out of the market. The nation suffers as a consequence.

Readers’ views and opinions will be much appreciated.