Aid for Trade: Needs Assessment from Bangladesh Perspective

    CPD Research Monograph 3

    Aid for Trade: Needs Assessment from Bangladesh Perspective

    CPD-Research-Monograph-3 (2009)This monograph addresses the “needs” dimension of the Aid for Trade (AfT) agenda from Bangladesh country perspective. The study was designed as a preparatory step towards seeking support under the AfT initiative. In order to carry out the Needs Assessment, the study has identified key trade-related constraints confronting Bangladesh so that appropriate projects could be developed to apply for funds under this initiative. A total of 83 projects were thus identified, from which 12 were prioritised as requiring immediate attention by the government for seeking support from potential development partners under the AfT initiative. The monograph also examines global trade-related aid flows, captures their dynamics in the Bangladesh context, and identifies areas which are most likely to receive support. It is hoped that in view of the urgency to undertake a needs assessment for support under the AfT initiative, this monograph will serve as a benchmark and reference point for the concerned stakeholders.

    Contributors: Kazi Mahmudur Rahman, Suparna Hasan and Hasanuzzaman

    Publication Period: October 2009
    ISBN 978-984-33-1041-5
    Price: Tk. 250 USD 20