Bangladesh Apparel Sector in Post MFA Era: A Study on the Ongoing Restructuring Process

    Bangladesh Apparel Sector-i (2008)This volume is the outcome of a study jointly implemented by the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and the SouthAsia Enterprise Development Facility (SEDF). It attempts an exercise to identify factors contributing to Bangladesh’s post-MFA performance in order to understand and gain useful insights about the strengths of her RMG sector and the ongoing restructuring in the export-oriented RMG industries of the country.

    Based on in-depth analysis of detailed firm level data, generated through large sample surveys of RMG enterprises and workers, the volume throws important insights as regards how the RMG sector of Bangladesh is positioning itself in view of the changing global market scenario. Areas which have been dealt with in this volume include characteristic features of Bangladesh’s RMG enterprises; background of RMG entrepreneurs and workers; nature of the ongoing restructuring process, production, cost structure, sourcing of raw materials, and marketing strategies; dynamics of capital-output and labour-output ratios; product and market diversification; state of labour standards compliance; livelihood issues concerning RMG workers; skill upgradation, scaling up and consolidation; structural weaknesses and future challenges. The volume also puts forward a set of policy recommendations with the view to enabling strengthened participation of Bangladesh’s RMG sector in the global market so that the sector could take advantage of emerging market opportunities and address the attendant challenges.

    Contributors: Mustafizur Rahman, Debapriya Bhattacharya and Khondaker Golam Moazzem

    Publication Period: February 2008
    ISBN 984-300-001368-4
    Price: Tk. 450 USD 35

    Hard copy of the book is available at CPD Office