Bangladesh Apparels Export to the Japanese Market

    CPD Research Monograph 5

    Bangladesh Apparels Export to the Japanese Market
    Opportunities and Challenges

    CPD-Research-Monograph-5 (2010)In recent times, Bangladesh’s export of apparels to the Japanese market has started to evince some encouraging changes. Japanese buyers have started to outsource standard, low-end knitwear and woven wear products in an increasing manner. This change in buyers’ sourcing strategy is primarily related to changes in Japanese consumers’ demand arising from structural changes in the job market and changes in the demographic structure of Japan. At the same time, sourcing from China is gradually becoming costlier for Japanese buyers, particularly because of increase in workers’ wages and appreciation of the Chinese currency, the Yuan. Consequently, many leading Japanese buyers are searching for new suppliers outside of China, the so-called China Plus One strategy. This CPD monograph focuses on the potential opportunities that Bangladesh’s export-oriented RMG sector have in the Japanese market in view of the changing dynamics. Findings and policy suggestions put forward in this monograph are expected to contribute to tap those opportunities, and strengthen Bangladesh’s presence in the lucrative apparels market of Japan.

    Contributors: Khondaker Golam Moazzem and Mustafizur Rahman

    Publication Period: May 2010
    ISBN 978-984-33-1869-5
    Price: Tk. 250 USD 20