Bangladesh Development Debates: Perspectives from Policy Dialogues (Volume Two)

    Bangladesh Development Debates... Vol.2 (2002)The Volume Two of collected dialogue reports covers CPD dialogue proceedings on four broad themes which are presented in four separate sections.

    Part I on Energy and Transport Development deals with such issues as: (a) Evolution and status of gas and energy sectors of Bangladesh; (b) Strategic options for optimum utilisation of Bangladesh’s gas resources; (c) Restructuring of the power sector; and (d) Scope of cooperation in the development of the infrastructure and transport sector in the region.

    Part II of the volume covers Industry, Export Promotion and Globalisation. This part deals with such themes as: (a) Bangladesh perspective on a new WTO round; (b) Bangladesh’s strategies in the context of developments in the multilateral trading regime; (c) Impact of globalisation on gender issues; (d) Bangladesh’s economic cooperation with the EU; and (e) Global experience in regional cooperation and lessons for South Asia.

    Part III on Agricultural Development focuses on important changes in the agriculture sector in the recent past, and the emerging opportunities and challenges facing the sector. This part also deals with the issues of the environmental consequences of the export-oriented shrimp culture in Bangladesh.

    Part IV of the volume on Population and Sustainable Development deals with the conceptual and policy issues encompassing the wider aspects of population and development. Specific areas of the dialogue reports presented in this section cover: (a) Population and urbanisation; (b) Fertility behaviour; (c) Implication of demographic momentum, particularly on ageing; and (d) Human resource development.

    Editors: Rehman Sobhan, Debapriya Bhattacharya, Mustafizur Rahman, Anisatul Fatema Yousuf

    Co-published with Pathak Shamabesh

    Publication Period: February 2002
    ISBN 984-812035-1
    Price: Tk. 650 USD 20

    Hard copy of the book is available at CPD Office