Bangladesh Economy in FY2013-14: Third Interim Review of Macroeconomic Performance

    Bangladesh-Economy-in-FY2013-14-Third-Interim-Review-of-Macroeconomic-PerformanceBangladesh Economy in FY2013-14: Third Interim Review of Macroeconomic Performance

    This volume prepared under the Independent Review of Bangladesh’s Development (IRBD) programme contains two reports that CPD prepared in view of the National Budget FY2014-15.

    The first chapter presents the third and final review of state of the economy by CPD for the current fiscal year. The report, prepared based on the latest available data and information, highlights the year-end growth prospect, an analysis of allocational patterns, prioritisation and efficacy of public expenditure, an assessment of financing of the public expenditure, an evaluation of the evolving power sector scenario and an analysis of the export sector performance from the perspective of product composition and market destination. This report was released to the press on 1 June 2014.

    The second chapter contains a set of proposals that CPD prepared for the National Budget FY2014-15. The proposals include CPD’s suggestions with regard to the needed macroeconomic policy stance for FY2014-15, fiscal-budgetary measures in a number of areas including investment, rural economy and social protection measures, and highlight the importance of non-economic factors from the perspective of implementation of the envisaged Budget for FY2014-15. This set of proposals was released to the press on 4 May 2014.


    Publication Period: June 2014
    ISBN 978-984-8946-17-6
    Price: Tk. 240 USD 20

    Hard copy of the book is available at CPD Office