Bangladesh in the Global Trade Regime: Labour, Environment, Agriculture, Export and Trade Negotiations

    Bangladesh in the Global Trade Regime (2005)The volume is a compendium of eight articles that reflects the dynamics of Bangladesh’s external sector as it strives to address the demands of an increasingly competitive global market.

    The volume brings together a number of recent writings on related themes by professionals at the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Prepared as part of CPD’s Trade Policy Research Programme, these articles remain current and relevant in the present context of Bangladesh. They focus on both challenges and coping strategies of Bangladesh in relation to systemic, institutional and sectoral issues.

    The articles deal with sectoral issues such as impact of liberalisation on Bangladesh’s agricultural sector, environmental consequences of export promotion, development of fisheries sector, and the issue of child labour in apparels. In view of the crucial role that the apparels sector plays in Bangladesh economy, the article on Post-MFA Challenges addresses a number of key issues in the context of the phase-out of the MFA quotas. The article on EPZ addresses some important issues relating to institutional and social aspects of export promotion in the country. The last two contributions of the volume review recent developments in multilateral trade negotiations including the implications of failure of Cancun Ministerial Meeting of the WTO, and the lessons that Bangladesh should draw in this respect.

    Contributors: Debapriya Bhattacharya, Mustafizur Rahman, Fahmida Khatun, Ananya Raihan and Uttam Kumar Deb

    Co-published with Pathak Shamabesh
    Publication Period: February 2005
    ISBN 984-8120-57-2
    Price: Tk. 850 USD 35

    Hard copy of the book is available at CPD Office