Bangladesh’s Export Opportunities in the Indian Market: Addressing Barriers and Strategies for Future

    CPD Working Paper 90

    Bangladesh’s Export Opportunities in the Indian Market
    Addressing Barriers and Strategies for Future

    The paper examines the renewed opportunity for Bangladesh to expand her export market in India, and recommends a number of initiatives that could be taken to stimulate bilateral trade between the two countries. Examining trade dynamics between the two countries, the study reveals that the composition of Bangladesh’s export to India has shifted towards newer products, while the number of exportable products has also increased significantly. The study emphasises on persuading India to provide duty-free quota-free access for all Bangladeshi products arguing that elimination of the entire sensitive list under the SAFTA would have an insignificant adverse impact on India’s revenue earnings. A comprehensive mechanism to deal with non-tariff barriers is suggested, while improvements of trade-related infrastructure at borders and customs points are also highly recommended.

    Contributors: Mustafizur Rahman, Towfiqul Islam Khan, Ashiqun Nabi and Tapas Kumar Paul

    Publication Period: July 2010

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