Changing Women’s Roles in Homestead Management: Mainstreaming Women in Rural Development

    CPD Working Paper 42

    Changing Women’s Roles in Homestead Management
    Mainstreaming Women in Rural Development

    This paper has been prepared as part of CPD’s advocacy activities with the IRRI under the PETRRA project and was presented at the dialogue on Women’s Contribution to Rural Economic Activities: Making the Invisible Visible. It reports the result of FGDs conducted in the project area. The paper stresses that recognition of the role and contribution of women in production to the family income are crucial for improving the livelihoods of the household. Women should be provided with technical knowledge and skills on crop production management in order to build up organisational and leadership skills that are effective for developing social capital.

    Contributors: Thelma R Paris, Alamgir Chowdhury and Manik Lal Bose

    Publication Period: July 2004

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