Environmental Debates in the WTO: Defining Bangladesh’s Interests

    CPD Working Paper 35

    Environmental Debates in the WTO
    Defining Bangladesh’s Interests

    Prepared under CPD’s Capacity Building in Trade-Environment Issues in Bangladesh: Addressing the WTO Work Programme, the paper makes an attempt to analyse environmental issues in the context of multilateral trading systems and the developments taking place in the WTO, and their relevance to Bangladesh. While Part A focuses on various multilateral agreements in the WTO on environmental issues, Part B deals with liberalisation of environmental goods and services. Part C critically analyses the effects of environmental measures on market access. The paper highlights a range of environmental issues and debates that emerged in the WTO at that time, and puts forward a number of recommendations as regards Bangladesh’s policy stance with respect to some of the key issues in the upcoming negotiations.

    Contributor: Fahmida Khatun

    Publication Period: February 2004

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