Fish Trade Liberalisation in Bangladesh

    CPD Research Monograph 1

    Fish Trade Liberalisation in Bangladesh
    Implications of SPS Measures and Eco-Labelling for the Export-Oriented Shrimp Sector

    CPD-Research-Monograph-1 (2006)Shrimp is the second largest export item from Bangladesh after readymade garments. It is a major source of employment and income for a large number of people who depend on fishing for their livelihoods. With the increasing share of shrimp in the export sector, it is necessary to maintain the quality of the exported item through appropriate quality control measures since the importing countries are becoming stringent on quality standards.

    The present study on fish trade liberalisation examines the impacts of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, and eco-labelling on shrimp exports from Bangladesh. On the basis of both primary and secondary information, the study has analysed the possible effects of trade liberalisation on the people who are involved in the entire production and export chain of the industry. The study maps the export chain of shrimp production in Bangladesh to show the role of various stakeholders in the sector. It also ranks the participants in the chain according to their poverty status and describes their economic condition. The study makes policy recommendations as regards the improvement of the sector in general, and of the livelihoods of the poor fishermen in particular.

    Contributor: Fahmida Khatun

    Publication Period: February 2006
    ISBN 984-32-3052-3
    Price: Tk. 75 USD 10