Human Insecurity in South Asia: Challenging Market Injustice – Professor Rehman Sobhan

    The journal article, “Human Insecurity in South Asia: Challenging Market Injustice” by Professor Rehman Sobhan, Chairman, CPD, recently published under SAGE Journals.

    The article has addressed the issue of market injustice rooting from the human insecurities in South Asia. Professor Sobhan also gave recommendations on how the underprivileged segments in the society should be uplifted through state initiatives.

    The author states that the ruling elite has attempted to address problems of human insecurity through various social palliatives but a solutions that address the broader causes of the insecurity needs to addressed.

    He argues that challenging human insecurity remains a more relevant response to the conditions of human deprivation than the more conventional policy objective of moving households above a given poverty line.

    Social protection programmes need to move beyond the protection of individual risks to address more substantive market-driven risks which originate from the structural injustices of society.

    Individual countries in South Asia may use these notions to adjust their agendas for structural change to the specific institutional arrangements and underlying political economy of their respective societies.

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