Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Employment and Labour Market of Bangladesh

    CPD Working Paper 80

    Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Employment and Labour Market of Bangladesh: A Preliminary Assessment

    This paper is a preliminary output of the study on Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Employment and Labour Market of Bangladesh: A Rapid Assessment. The study is being conducted as part of a joint collaboration between the CPD and the International Labour Organization (ILO). This paper is the initial review of the impact of the global economic crisis on various macroeconomic performance indicators. It also attempts to foresee the impact of these developments on employment and labour market scenarios of Bangladesh. The paper portrays some of the trends in the Bangladesh economy which could be associated, directly and indirectly, with the ongoing global financial crisis. Some of the social safety net programmes have also been reviewed in view of the emerging labour market dynamics.

    Contributors: Mustafizur Rahman, Khondaker Golam Moazzem and Syed Saifuddin Hossain

    Publication Period: March 2009

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