Industrial Safety in the RMG Sector in the Post-Accord-Alliance Era

    CPD-FES Publication

    Industrial Safety in the RMG Sector in the Post-Accord-Alliance Era
    Is the Institutionalisation Process Slowing Down?

    Industrial safety in the readymade garments (RMG) sector has been passing a critical phase with a lack of proper coordination, monitoring and enforcement which are likely to be the reasons behind rising industrial accidents. During the post-Accord-Alliance period, industrial safety in the RMG sector could not maintain the standards of the Accord-Alliance period. Reasons for accidents have been spread in the post-AccordAlliance period in electrical, fire, short circuit and structural issues. The accidents are observed mainly in medium- and large-scale factories.

    This report examines the state of industrial safety in the RMG sector in the post-AccordAlliance period. The specific objectives of the study are—(a) to review the nature and trend of industrial accidents and level of industrial safety measures undertaken during the post-Accord-Alliance period; (b) to examine the state of monitoring and inspection carried out by the public and private agencies on workplace safety of RMG enterprises; and (c) to put forward a set of suggestions for strengthening the institutional initiatives of industrial safety in the RMG sector.

    Authors: Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem and Md. Salay Mostofa

    Publication period: September 2021

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