Industrial Safety of Non-RMG Enterprises and Workers

    Industrial Safety of Non-RMG Enterprises and Workers
    Monitoring Transparency, Accountability and Efficiency of Public Actions

    The safety standards of non-RMG factories and establishments are becoming a foremost issue as the number of incidents and causalities is up surging over time. Hence Bangladesh’s growing reputation as an industrial hub would be at risk at regional and global levels. Undertaking remedial measures in non-RMG factories is a difficult task because of the lack of willingness of enterprises to invest in safety measures; weak governance structure in public monitoring agencies; limited capacity of monitoring and enforcement of public agencies; and lack of pressure from the buyers and consumers about industrial safety in the workplace. In this backdrop the study assesses current industrial and compliance states in non-RMG enterprises, traces out the limitations and drawbacks of different regulatory bodies and putting forward a set of recommendations for strengthening the institutional capacity. Based on the analysis, the study recommends institutional strengthening for BIDA, DIFE, FSCD and DoE to ensure safe working environment for industrial workers of non-RMG enterprises.

    Authors: Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Md. Salay Mostofa and Shah Md. Ahsan Habib

    Publication period: May 2022

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