Market Access Issues in the Context of the Doha Development Round: Bangladesh’s Interests and Concerns

    CPD Working Paper 32

    Market Access Issues in the Context of the Doha Development Round
    Bangladesh’s Interests and Concerns

    The paper highlights how gradual reduction in the tariff barriers aims to facilitate market access for goods that is at the heart of the GATT process. These reductions were negotiated line by line, and attempt was also made to deal with non-tariff barriers, and elimination of tariffs on certain information technology and pharmaceutical products. The paper is regarding the market access for products of interest to LDC Member countries in the WTO such as Bangladesh, and a number of outstanding issues that could not be adequately addressed during the GATT Uruguay Round. It also provides an overview of some of the more pressing concerns with respect to market access, emphasising full implementation of Uruguay Round commitment. Lack of enthusiasm on the part of the developed countries to include issues relating to market access in services of interest to the developing countries and LDCs in the ongoing negotiations is quite clear, and these concerns were becoming more pronounced for Bangladesh.

    Contributor: Mustafizur Rahman

    Publication Period: December 2003

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