Ongoing WTO Negotiations and Bangladesh’s Interests: Insights from CPD’s October 2002 Tracking Mission to Geneva

    CPD Working Paper 34

    Ongoing WTO Negotiations and Bangladesh’s Interests
    Insights from CPD’s October 2002 Tracking Mission to Geneva

    The paper is based on the participation of CPD delegation in Geneva. It gives an insight into the particular issues of priority interest to Bangladesh in the context of the then ongoing negotiations including GATS, AoA, TRIPS and market access. The paper provides an understanding about the important implications of the Doha Development Round negotiations for Bangladesh and other LDCs at that time, both in terms of accessing the opportunities emanated from the evolving global trading system, and also from the perspective of addressing the attendant challenges.

    Contributors: Debapriya Bhattacharya, Mustafizur Rahman, Ananya Raihan, Fahmida Khatun and Manjur Alam Tipu

    Publication Period: December 2003

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