Poverty-Environment Nexus: An Investigation of Linkage and Policy Implications

    CPD Working Paper 74

    Poverty-Environment Nexus: An Investigation of Linkage and Policy Implications

    This paper is based on a study attempted to understand the relationship between poverty and environment which was conducted in the Tangail district in Bangladesh. The findings are based on site visits, interviews, and a small questionnaire survey. The paper is presented with a general overview on poverty and deforestation, different dimensions and linkages between environment and poverty, and a brief summary of available literature on poverty-environment nexus. It attempts to validate both primary and secondary findings in the context of the socioeconomic condition of the study area. Finally, it discusses some policy recommendations and delineates further scope for research on this ground.

    Contributors: Manzoor Elahi Chowdhury and Sarwar Uddin Ahmed

    Publication Period: November 2008

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