[CPD-SACEPS] Poverty Reduction Strategies in South Asia: A Comparative Study

    CPD-SACEPS Research Monograph 2

    Poverty Reduction Strategies in South Asia: A Comparative Study

    CPD-SACEPS Monograph Series-2 (2007)The second monograph reviews the poverty reduction strategies of five countries of South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It examines the persistence of poverty in these countries, and concludes that the source of poverty lies with the incapacity of the policymakers to address the structural sources of the problem. The monograph then focuses on the most recent poverty reduction strategies adapted by the South Asian governments, both at the regional and the country levels, and examines how far these policies would help in addressing the structural injustices in the society which have been created because of unequal command over both economic and political resources. The monograph emphasises the need to correct such injustices, and suggests that the transformation of the position in social hierarchies of the South Asian poor and the resourceless will be substantially realised when a policy agenda is put in place to enable them to graduate from the role of agents into principals.

    Contributors: Rehman Sobhan and M M Akash

    Publication Period: July 2007
    ISBN 984-300-001994-5
    Price: Tk. 300 USD 20