[CPD-SACEPS] Poverty Reduction Strategies of the International Development Community

    CPD-SACEPS Research Monograph 1

    Poverty Reduction Strategies of the International Development Community
    The Scope for Structural Change

    CPD-SACEPS Monograph Series-1 (2007)This monograph is the first in the series of publications coming out of CPD-SACEPS joint research project on Eradication of Poverty in South Asia Through the Empowerment of the Poor. The monograph seeks to examine the evolving perspective on poverty reduction by reviewing the policy agendas of five major multilateral international development communities for the eradication of poverty around the world. It contextualises the South Asian strategies within the wider global policy perspective on poverty reduction focusing on the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

    The authors argue that the common ground on which the international community treats poverty alleviation is that it is conceptualised as a micro phenomena; however, poverty originates in the structural features of the society which can only be addressed at the macro level. They suggest that this demands for a macro policy agenda at the national level, designed to enhance the capacity of the poor as producers, consumers, and above all, owners of wealth.

    Contributors: Rehman Sobhan and M M Akash

    Publication Period: June 2007
    ISBN 984-300-001993-8
    Price: Tk. 200 USD 15