Responding to COVID-19: A Rapid Assessment of Stimulus Packages and Relief Measures

    CPD Working Paper 136

    Responding to COVID-19
    A Rapid Assessment of Stimulus Packages and Relief Measures

    Will the Target Groups Get the Benefits?

    Given that the country is under the grip of the pandemic, efficient utilisation of COVID-19 related stimulus and liquidity support packages are of utmost national importance now. However, efficient utilisation of COVID-19 related stimulus and liquidity packages will not be easy. This working paper titled “Responding to COVID-19—A Rapid Assessment of Stimulus Packages and Relief Measures: Will the Target Groups Get the Benefits?” aims to look into a number of selected support measures from the perspective of their implementation so far.

    We have tried to assess these support measures from the perspective of their adequacy, delivery and results, and governance. The areas which are covered in this presentation include: i) Operationalisation of the Liquidity Support through Banks; ii) Assessment of BDT 5,000 Crore (Emergency) Incentive Package; iii) Stimulus Package of BDT 20,000 crore Credit Line Support for the SMEs; and iv) Relief Packages to Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19.

    Contributors: CPD IRBD 2020 Team

    Publication Period: June 2020