Securing Interests of Bangladesh and Other Graduating LDCs in view of WTO-MC12

    Bangladesh is scheduled to graduate from the group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in November 2026. This paper discusses the challenges faced by Bangladesh as a graduating LDC in the context of developments in the World Trade Organization (WTO). The paper highlights three key concerns: the embedded structural weaknesses in the backdrop of which LDCs such as Bangladesh are graduating, the negative impacts of graduation due to the loss of LDC-specific support measures, and the need for initiatives to help these countries adjust to the new economic environment and build the required supply-side capacities. The paper examines the expectations of the graduating LDCs from the WTO-MC12 and suggests that the Ministerial Conference has failed to deliver the expected results and now the graduating LDCs must prioritise their own homework to make graduation sustainable and irreversible. The paper proposes three identities that should guide Bangladesh’s strategies in the coming days: as an LDC, to make the best use of the rest of the period prior to graduation, as a graduating LDC, to pursue the demands of the group in the WTO discussions and negotiations, and as a future developing country, by taking the necessary preparatory steps towards successful transition. Bangladesh should make the best use of the preferential treatment it is currently enjoying, proactively pursue the cause of the graduating LDCs in global fora, address the adverse implications of loss of LDC-specific preferences and undertake necessary reforms to deepen regional cooperation and strengthen global integration to make LDC graduation sustainable and attain its development aspirations.

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    Author: Mustafizur Rahman
    Publication Period: April 2023