State of the Bangladesh Economy and National Elections 2018: Priorities for Electoral Debates

    As a regular practice of CPD under its flagship programme, Independent Review of Bangladesh’s Development (IRBD), reports on Bangladesh macroeconomic performance are regularly published. Prior to the 11th National Parliamentary Elections in Bangladesh, a similar report was launched under the programme. The findings and recommendations from the report are gathered and published in this book titled, “State of the Bangladesh Economy and National Elections 2018: Priorities for Electoral Debates”.

    This report was prepared with an aspiration to give voice to the ordinary citizens of the country, so that their priority development interests and concerns are reflected in the election discourse which will contribute towards promoting accountability and transparency in macroeconomic management and economic governance in Bangladesh.

    The publication highlighted a number of issues under three broad clusters:

    1. Macroeconomic management;
    2. Performance of selected economic sectors;
    3. Management of certain areas of social sector.

    Recommendations to the new government are chalked out in the book along with analysis of the performance dynamics of the selected areas over the past ten years, emergent concerns and fault lines.


    Publication Period: January 2019
    ISBN 978-984-34-5798-1
    Price: Tk 350 | USD 30
    Publisher: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)

    Hard copy of the book is available at CPD Office.