Strengthening the Social Dialogue Process within a Weak Enabling Environment

    CPD Research Monograph 9

    Strengthening the Social Dialogue Process within a Weak Enabling Environment
    The Case of Bangladesh’s RMG Industry

    Strengthening social dialogue mechanism has been considered as a major instrument for improving industrial relations in developing countries. The success of social dialogue depends on availability of an enabling environment within the country which expedites freedom of association, democratic foundations and legitimacy through representative, transparent, accountable and cohesive workers’ and employers’ organisations. The study proposes a number of suggestions for better industrial relations in the RMG sector including: a) ensuring improved financial and human resource management at the factory level; b) raising awareness among employers and workers about social dialogue; c) making distinction between ‘factory level’ and ‘sectoral’ issues for discussion and negotiation; d) ensuring role of buyers/retailers for better factory management.

    Contributors: Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Abeer Khandker, Marzuka Ahmad Radia, and Shahjahan Ali
    Publication Period: December 2017
    ISBN: 978-984-92430-1-4
    Price: TK. 320 / USD 30