[CPD-SACEPS] Structural Dimensions of Poverty in Nepal

    CPD-SACEPS Research Monograph 4

    Structural Dimensions of Poverty in Nepal

    CPD-SACEPS Monograph Series-4 (2009)This monograph is based on a study conducted in Nepal. The study focuses on structural dimensions of poverty in the country, evaluates various policies that have been undertaken to mitigate the poverty situation in Nepal, and comes up with an actionable agenda to address the attendant challenges. The study identifies sources of poverty in Nepal including lower access to and control over productive assets, lack of access to quality education and healthcare, and unequal participation in the market, and examines how these have impacted on the state of poverty in the country. The study makes an analysis of various policy interventions, and identifies areas where progress has been made in reducing poverty and inequality in Nepal. The author argues that Nepal has failed in her previous plans and poverty reduction strategies largely because of lack of an inclusive approach to development. The study provides a number of useful suggestions as regards designing more effective policy interventions to tackle developmental challenges confronting Nepal.

    Contributor: Mahesh Banskota
    Publication Period: July 2009
    ISBN 984-300-002824-4
    Price: Tk. 290 USD 20