Sustainable LDC Graduation of Bangladesh: Addressing the Next Challenges

    Bangladesh Economy in an Evolving Regional and Global Context 

    Book Chapter: Sustainable LDC Graduation of Bangladesh – Addressing the Next Challenges
    At the 2021 review meeting of the United Nations Committee for Development Policy (UN CDP), Bangladesh was recommended for graduation out of the group of least developed countries (LDCs) in 2026. This landmark is going to be achieved following five decades of the country’s existence as an LDC (Bangladesh became a member of the LDC group in December 1975). Without doubt, graduation is a proud moment in its post-independence journey. Bangladesh’s distinction is that it has been able to prove itself as a frontline performer among the cohort of LDCs and graduating LDCs. A graduated Bangladesh will hopefully be able to draw strength from its track record, and benefit from improved branding and image, which in turn will have positive implications in terms of the country’s ability to attract foreign direct investment (FDI), conduct and negotiate business deals and dealings on favourable terms, receive better credit ratings and enhance the country’s ability to raise funds in the international financial markets, among others.

    Editor: Mustafizur Rahman
    Publication Period: June 2022

    Published by Centre for Genocide Studies (CGS), University of Dhaka
    Supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Bangladesh Office