The Challenges of Policymaking in the Time of Pandemic

    CPD Working Paper 135

    The Challenges of Policymaking in the Time of Pandemic
    State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2019-20

    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on various aspects of the economy. The obvious impacts have important repercussions for the FY2020–21 budget. This fifth periodic review of FY2019-20, prepared under CPD’s flagship Independent Review of Bangladesh’s Development (IRBD) programme, offers an analysis of the economy that started off on a normal course at the beginning of the fiscal year and then entered into an unforeseen terrain and uncharted waters soon after the first quarter. The analysis, therefore, captures development of the economy in two phases—the pre-COVID phase and the ongoing COVID phase. The report focuses on the impact of the pandemic on the economy, subsequent measures taken to address the implications of the pandemic and what these developments mean for the upcoming budget.

    Contributors: CPD IRBD 2020 Team

    Publication Period: June 2020